Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


The words you and your refer to you personally, the person using or visiting this website. If you are representing a business or other organization while you’re visiting the site, that business is included in the meaning of you and your.

The words we and us refer to Safety Meeting Outlines, Inc., its employees, and our contractors that create and maintain this Safety Meeting Pro site.

Information means any data that you provide while you’re visiting our site and any data that we collect about you and your visit. Intellectual property information means information to which you or we own specific rights, such as a copyright or patent.

This privacy policy explains the privacy practices for our website,, and how our site handles information collected from or provided by you. This policy applies specifically to information collected through our site. By using our site, you agree to this policy.

Information that we collect:

You are always free to browse the public portions of our site without providing any information to us.

In order for us to conduct business with you, you have to provide certain information to us, like your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc. This information is usually collected through the website’s order form. When you place an order, your credit card information is collected and processed by, our trusted payment processor. You don’t provide any credit card information to our site and we do not store that information on any of our equipment.

You can also use the Contact Us portion of our site to send information to us.

In order to use certain areas of our site you are required to have an account, username, and password with us.

We may collect visit and visitor information passively, and without explicitly telling you, during your time on our site.

How we use the information:

We will use the information you provide to process your order, grant you access to certain areas of our site, respond to your question or comment, and for other purposes related to the transaction.

We may use any of the information we collect, and/or that you provide to us, to contact you regarding products and services that we provide, to ask for your opinions or comments, to understand how you use our site, and for other business purposes.

We are the sole owners of the information that you provide and that we collect through the site, except for intellectual property information, such as a company name or logo. We can keep the information for as long as we choose.

If you provide intellectual property information, you grant us the right to use that intellectual property information as, and only as, you and we have agreed, such as for printing or imprinting on a product you purchase from us or as a testimonial. If you are representing a company or other organization, you also agree and covenant that you have permission from the company or organization to grant us that right.

We may use information provided and/or collected through our site to contact you. In some cases (for example, new product announcements), you may choose to not receive such messages from us by contacting us using the information below. In other cases, the messages we send you are a direct result and part of your purchase of a product or service. In these cases, you must return the product and/or cancel the service in order to stop receiving communications from us. Even after you have returned the product or cancelled the service, we reserve the right to contact you regarding information that we sent you as part of that service as we deem necessary (for instance, to correct an error).

We only share your information in the following ways:

  • With trusted service providers such as our payment processor, a data backup or storage service, or an e-mail service provider. We have agreements with these providers that limit the use of the information you provided to us, and those uses are consistent with the uses described in this policy.
  • As required by law, or under order from a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • In order to enforce or protect the safety, property, or rights of others, our employees, or our company.

In the unlikely event that Safety Meeting Outlines, Inc. is acquired, the information collected and/or provided may be one of the assets transferred during the acquisition.


We may use cookies during your visit to our site. A cookie is a small file that is saved to your computer's hard drive by your web browser that allows us to compile and/or retain certain details about your visit. We use cookies to compile data for site traffic and visitor interactions so we can better understand how visitors use our site. We may contract with third-party service providers to assist us with these tasks. None of these service providers are permitted to use the information we collect other than to help us complete the above-mentioned tasks. You can allow or disable the use of cookies on our site, or any website, by configuring your web browser. Please refer to your web browser's Help section for more detailed instructions. You are not required to accept cookies to use our site, but some services and/or features may be altered or disabled entirely if you do not.

We use Google Analytics. Information about your visit and how you arrived at our site may be collected and used to help us understand and improve how our site is used. Google may use this data for other purposes according to their policies and practices. You can learn more about Google Analytics’ policies here: Google Analytics Public Policy.

We use Google advertising services. At our request, Google may use information about searches you have performed, sites you’ve visited, and pages you’ve visited on our site to serve ads to you for products and services which we provide either for free or for purchase. Google may use this data for other purposes according to their policies and practices. You can learn more about Google Advertising’s policies here: How Ads Work.

And here is a link to Google’s Complete Privacy Policy.

Links to other sites:

We may provide links to other websites that are not owned or operated by us (these are often called third-party websites). These sites are not subject to our privacy policy or any other of our policies or practices. Each of those sites should have its own policies and we encourage you to read and understand them. We are not responsible for the content, policies, experiences, or results you receive from using any of these links. We strive to link only to high-quality sites that will provide real value to you. If you have problems or issues with these sites or if the content we link to does not meet your expectations, we welcome feedback so we can improve our site and its usefulness to you.


Safety Meeting Outlines, Inc. and Safety Meeting Pro is in compliance with the requirements of COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act). We do not offer products or services or sell products or services to children. Safety Meeting Outlines, Inc. and Safety Meeting Pro does not request or knowingly collect personally identifiable contact information from anyone under the age of 13.


This page contains our entire and complete privacy policy. We encourage you to check it regularly for changes and updates. We will show you the date of the last update to the policy at the end of this paragraph.
Last update: June 20, 2024